“Every line on the road is a political choice.”

Marco te Brömmelstroet, a.k.a. “The Cycling Professor,” is the chair of Urban Mobility Futures at the University of Amsterdam. His book Movement, with Thalia Verkade, takes a stance against myths and received wisdoms that surround popular thinking about the rights and place of cyclists and pedestrians, urban design, and traffic engineering. Parallel to the critique, he presents new ways of thinking about how, and why we move through the world, and at what speed.


Intro/Outro: “My White Bicycle,” by Tomorrow



Urban Cycling Institute



Chip Cone

Cauliflower neighborhood, a.k.a. Bloemkoolwijk

Fighting Traffic, by Peter Norton


Stafford Beer

Rollback of congestion pricing in New York City

The bicycle at the bed-in, Amsterdam 1969

The Royal Dutch Touring Club, AWNB vs the EWNB

School streets, Paris

Provo – Dutch nonviolent protest group + The White Bicycle Plan

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert Pirsig

Bicycle Highways

Anne Hidalgo + Carlos Moreno = 170,000 trees

Groningen car ban, 1980

Nieuwmarkt riots, Amsterdam, 1975

Janette Sadiq-Khan and the Times Square pedestrianization

Bike Bus – Sam Balto

NYC Municipal Vehicle Active Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) / Speed Geofencing

Valerie Plante, Mayor of Montreal, BIXI bikes (non-profit
bike-sharing program)

Swapfliets (Swap Bike)