Mankind’s quest for verticality has an underexplored dimension:
the queasy feeling of vertigo many experience when close to the edge of a sheer drop. Davide Deriu, Reader in Architectural History and Theory at the University of Westminster, London, has taken on the relative lack of research into the subject with an interdisciplinary approach, captured in his book On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo. Come, stand on the edge with us.


Intro/Outro: “Vertigo” by U2



Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock, 1958

Vertical: The City from Satellites to Bunkers, Stephen Graham, 2016

Vertigo in the City program at University of Westminster, 2015

The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies, Roland Barthes, 1979


Jean François "Blondin" Gravelet – Niagara Falls wire walk, 1859

Philippe Petit, World Trade Center wire walk, 1974

Jan Gehl on humans’ “natural” habitat in horizontal planes

Singapore’s HDB social high-rises

Mies’ insertion of ventilation grilles in front of the glass curtain wall at the Seagram Building, 1958

Prosper Meniere, father of the vestibular sciences