Drawing on his decades of experience working in and writing about
shrinking cities, renowned urban policy expert and Center for Community
Progress senior fellow Alan Mallach delivers a powerful wake-up call in his new book Smaller Cities in a Shrinking World: The era of booming global population and economic growth is over, and cities everywhere will shrink as a result.


Intro/Outro: "Smaller and Smaller," by Faith No More


- Bruce Sterling

- Germany and Japan's demographics

- The immigration factor

- The political time bomb of shrinking cities and left-behinders

- Networked Localism

- Remote Surgery

- Cooperation Jackson

- Renew Newcastle

- GreenStar Ithaca food co-op

- Dan Gilbert saves(?) Detroit

- Detroit Land Bank Authority

- Detroit Future City

- Dortmund Phoenix See

- Migration to the Sun Belt - what will reverse that course?

- HGTV for Shrinking Cities

- Oneonta NY
