Verse Design LA is headed by Paul Tang and Courtenay Bauer. The architecture firm has taken considerable risks, sometimes playing the role of ambassador and accountant while pursuing value for clients – including telling prospective clients they shouldn’t pursue the project. From high-speed rail stations in China to sprawling eco-resorts in Northern California, Verse Design has been around the Ring of Fire a few times, literally and figuratively. They share their wisdom with Unfrozen.



Intro/Outro: “Value,”
by Foliage




Verse Design Shanghai – with Leon Dai


USC American Academy in China



o  High-Speed Rail Station, Bengbu,China, 2010

o  Thirty75 Tech, Santa Clara, CA, 2022

o  Guenoc Valley, Lake County, CA (16,000 acres) – Ongoing

Manhattan = 14,478 acres  
California Forever, Solano County, CA: 55,000 acres

Pro forma as a design tool